Song of the day: a classic country tie!!!!
So, the radio stations were being fun today. And I was in a mood. I got lost on my way to Rivergate (DO NOT ask! But at least I know where Cool Springs is!), so I got to listen to the radio a lot.And there's a tie for the song of the day. Warning: there is a theme.
"Nine to five" by Dolly Parton and "Take this job and shove it" by Johnny Paycheck.
They were absolutely two of my favorite songs growing up, and right now they are just completely and totally appropriate.
In slightly related news, it is looking very good for the new job. I had a great second interview yesterday, and I just "clicked" with everyone. Now, I don't believe in done deals, so I'm not getting excited about it until I get that call next week. But I thought I'd let you all know it went really well.
So, for those of you who have been praying, thank you, and please keep it up. I really appreciate it.
It's about time I got some really good news...
2 comment(s):
What were your doing in Rivergate?!? I guess I'll have to come back soon to keep you away from my man. *MUAH*
Anonymous, at
10/20/2006 12:07 AM
I had to drop off a package at the giant toy store there.
I'd never steal your man. We'd kill each other, remember?
But his little muffin ass can sing "Miami My Amy" to me all freaking day...
Laura, at
10/20/2006 12:29 AM
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