Little Miss Sunshine
Ashley and I went to see Little Miss Sunshine on Saturday night.Someone told me it was a "kids' movie." It's not.
It's for grown-ups. It's absolutely touching. And it is one of the funniest films I've ever seen. I will be buying the DVD when it comes out. The second it comes out.
I had tears running down my cheeks from laughing. Ashley couldn't breathe. I was very thankful that I took a bathroom break half-way through or I would've pissed my pants.
Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.
Afterward we went downtown. We said hi to my troubadour on the corner, but didn't stay because it was crowded. We went to Crossroads where Desi made the best Washington Apples ever and the bassist in the band made stared at me. All night. In a good way.
We headed to Roberts where I danced with cowboys. Cute cowboys. Who yelled at me for wearing my UT flip-flops because they are not good for two-stepping.
I'll be back Saturday. Desi's got the Crown, and I'll wear my boots.
2 comment(s):
1) I want pics of the tat even if it is on your arse. Get a close up so we only see skin. Cause I don't need TMI...
2) I wanna see the flick but was flip flopping so thanks! You have made up my mind.
Unknown, at
10/10/2006 9:41 AM
OMG - last night, went to the Osio to see it. All through the movie, I laughed here and there, but kept saying, "What's the big fuss all about?"
And then the last scene.
Holysilentheartattacklaughthenoutandout ROARING!
I adored this movie - and can't wait to buy it on DVD, as well!
Have a great time with Kay! Love you!!
TanteToma, at
10/14/2006 9:37 PM
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