Car trouble and other good stuff...
So, I'm sitting here at work debating going to the Credit Union on my lunch break. I guess I will head over there in a little bit. I still need to deposit the pittance that I made last week at my favorite place in the world.I don't think I mentioned that on Saturday night my car started to act wonky. Well, it did. But luckily all boys are smart about cars whether they think they are or not. I think that skill is encoded on the Y chromosome or something. If I had been in charge, I'm sure I'd still be stranded in Jackson. Wait -- I said that like it was a bad thing. Seriously, it's a nice town. And they have good pie.
Anyhow, my car seemed fine all the way home, and then yesterday I thought it was acting up on the way to work. I needed an oil change anyhow, so I took it to the garage across from the office. They thought I was bonkers because they never found anything wrong with it. One of my co-workers' husband is a mechanic and he told me just to watch it. But at least I didn't have to spend billions of dollars I don't have to fix it.
Then I might've felt a little foolish about driving half-way across the state in the dark to have dinner and go bowling. You know what my dad says about wracking up "senseless" miles on your car.
Good that I saved money on my car, because I went to the dry cleaners as part of "Operation Do Some Damn Laundry." Ouch. Laura's advice for the day: NEVER puke on your down comforter, no matter how much or what you drink. But that night was way fun. I love fun.
Did I mention Toma's coming to visit me Friday? Wooheeeee, I'm excited. We're going to see Mr. Bentley and various other less attractive people at the Opry on Saturday. I still haven't made it there, so I'm way excited. Seriously, though, if we were going to stay at my house and watch the nail polish on our toe nails dry, we'd still have a blast. That's just how it is when we're together.
I hear a rumor about Pancake Pantry for breakfast, too. Yummmm...
Anything else going on? Not anything that I can think of. Clarity makes me happy, and happy is good.
Song of the Day: "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake. I'm loving his new CD. And I have a soft spot for cute boys from Memphis. I can't help it.
1 comment(s):
....and did you get a tat with Toma or do you still hafta wait? She says as she DOES NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES scratch her leg....
Unknown, at
1/28/2007 5:43 AM
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