I must be nuts.
OK, so yesterday I had a shitty day at the Land of Misfit Toys. If I were a betting woman, I'd say it was my last day there. So, we're not supposed to use our cell phones, but I was cleaning the maintenance closet so it's not like anyone could see me. So I sent him a text and he answered it. He told me to call him at the store, which I'd planned to do before I left work, but I ended up getting busy.I finally called him last night when I got off work. I asked him what he was doing after work, and he said he wasn't sure. Then I asked him if he was up for company. And then the next thing I knew, I was on my way down the Interstate to a town I'd never been to before to have dinner and go bowling with all his friends. (He called me in the car on the way to ask me if that was OK. Bowling, duh. Of course.)
It only takes two hours to get there. It's not a terrible drive. Anyhow, I got there and he was there, and really that's all we needed. Both of us. We never even ended up talking about what was pissing us off. We were just there. Laughing, talking, having fun. God, I've missed him so much.
We met up with his friends, and we had fun. There was lots of innuendo tossed around. His best friend and I had lots of fun and made plans to get together in Nashville. I told him he could come along, if he wanted. We'll see... Oh, and did I mention that apparently I really am the only person who's been an ignoramus all this time about his feelings for me, because one of his female friends was kind of joking with him about them getting it on, and she looked at me and apologized like he was mine and she needed to apologize, and I just shrugged my shoulders. What was I supposed to say?
I ended up coming home in the middle of the night. I wasn't tired at all, and it's obvious that he doesn't trust himself with me. I guess that's kind of nice, but I'm 100-percent game, and surely he has to know that.
When I was leaving, he gave me one of those lame-ass half-hugs like how tell the priests to give little kids now because of all the molestation charges. (No joke. The church made me take a class on it. They call them "open hugs." Regardless of what they are called, they are lame.) Anyhow, it was quite the contrast to the big giant bear hug that I got when he left Nashville a couple of months ago.
He said to me, "You're crazy for coming all this way, but I'm glad you did."
I said, "It's not that far."
And he said, reminding me why things are the way they are, "No it IS that far."
Urgghhhh... You know what else I noticed? He never says goodbye when he talks to me, even to the point of just hanging up. I guess that's a good thing. It's nice to be missed.
So, I get home and go to bed. I wake up about 5 hours later and I feel like I have pneumonia. I am still so sick, so I probably should've stayed home and rested last night, but that's what Sunday is for.
I checked my horoscope, and I found this:
Although you may feel less than practical, others may be relying on you or even demanding your assistance. Temporarily set aside your long-term dreams so you can be there for someone who needs you now. Even if you are uncertain about your effectiveness, rest assured that your efforts will be greatly appreciated.
So, we just spent the evening together, two great friends hanging out and dealing with their problems the way they always do, by simply knowing the other person is there.
Song of the day: "My Best Friend" by Tim McGraw.
(Quite the contrast to "Stupid Boy" by Keith Urban, don't you think?)
5 comment(s):
Sounds like fun! Yes indeed.
Did YOU get YOUR tat yet?
Unknown, at
1/21/2007 1:12 PM
I still need to do that. Maybe Friday. Toma said she'd hold my hand. I also need to see how the moolah situation is. Our furnace broke and my car seems to be acting wonky. Carter says I need to take it to be looked at which always ends up being expensive!
Laura, at
1/21/2007 1:16 PM
What are you going to get?
Unknown, at
1/21/2007 5:00 PM
I'm going to get my Old English D, because that's what I HAVE to get. If it doesn't hurt as much as I think it will, it may not be my last one.
Laura, at
1/21/2007 6:02 PM
Sometimes it's fun just to "BE" with someone you like. It's just a matter of enjoying the shared experience.
Anonymous, at
1/27/2007 6:48 PM
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