Or maybe not?
My computer is now making some very odd noises when I turn it on. It sounds very much like it did around the time my hard drive melted last year.When that happened, my computer guru friend told me that they needed to replace the broken fan that caused the overheating, the melted hard drive and the processor which probably when wacko from the heat.
Our good friends at the Carnival of Incompetence we call Hewlett-Packard Tech Support fixed the hard drive and the fan.
Me thinks the processor is finally calling it quits.
I am digging my practically worthless receipt out of the trash and calling the bozos at the "extended warranty" place this evening.
Oh, and I'm telling them that I borrowed a friend's power cord (I didn't, but mine's taped up with electrical tape) and that the connector is still bad, so they'll fix that too.
So, the laptop will be good as new. Assuming they don't do anything bad to my computer to punish me for going off on their phone support dude.
And I pray to God he doesn't answer when I call tonight. If he does, maybe I'll hang up and call back.
Or maybe I'll stay on the line and apologize for being a bitch.
Which reminds me. The girlie phone broke. (Already. Yes, Razrs are big pieces of crap, just like everyone said, but too late now.) However, my friends at Motorola said they'd replace it because it's three weeks old and shouldn't have broken.
Unlike T-mobile, who told me it was my fault, but they'd give me a new one for $50. The guy was nice, but he told me there was "no way" it was a warranty repair. Apparently Motorola thinks it is.
Thank goodness I hadn't donated my v330 to the domestic violence shelter yet. I can't go phone-less for a 10-14 days.
4 comment(s):
I feel you pain with computers. I have decided that I will never by an extended warranty, they are worthless and cost to much money. The only thing I have ever bought an extended warranty and it worked for me were a set of tires. The warranty allowed us to only have to pay $10 for a tire when it went flat. I thought that was pretty cool.
Anonymous, at
1/09/2007 9:10 PM
I on the other hand love extended warranties. I have definitely gotten my money's worth on my digital phone, refrigerator, stove and my big screen HD tv. I wouldn't buy certain things without a store extended warranty
Sheri, at
1/10/2007 4:20 PM
sorry to hear about the computer but glad your phone will be replaced. and just a word in defence of the razor. I love mine!! maybe because it is girlie and I am so not or maybe because my husband had to add a new phone line so I could replace my 20 day old phone that got run over by a car and smushed. (it actually still worked but the stupid cover I had on it pushed through the screne and smashed the dumb thing.) yeah, so what was I saying ?? Oh, I love my razor and we got the warranty which of course now that we have it we'll never need it. grrrr.
love the techie headaches. yeah us.
Anonymous, at
1/11/2007 9:06 AM
I think the computer might be OK. I have my fingers crossed. I'm wishing my SuperGeek friends were not so busy right now, but I think it'll be OK.
And as for the Razr, I do love it. And I secretly like that it's girlie.
Laura, at
1/11/2007 9:48 AM
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