You never know...
... what'll set people off.I was just checking out my nifty site meter, only to see that several of my favorite stalkers have stopped by today. Since they rarely have an independent thought (and because some of them arrived via e-mailed links again!), I am wondering what exactly I've said to precipitate a visit to my little home on the Web.
Oh, who knows? It could be anything. Maybe they're all waiting with baited breath to learn of Sparky's whereabouts. Oh, wait a second. That would mean that they had hearts. I'll work on a new theory.
Actually, I won't. Because I still don't care. I'd kind of hoped maybe they'd make a New Year's resolution to be less stalker-ish, but apparently not. Oh well, sucks to be them. (It would suck to be them even if their lives weren't reduced to Internet stalking, but that does add a bit to the pathetic factor.)
However, they do allow me to segue into mentioning an exciting new development here in BlogLand. So see, they have some value, albeit limited.
Starting this week, I'm going to do a post on the searches that people do to end up at my blog. You'd be surprised some of the things people type into Google that allow them to arrive here. It's actually kind of fun. I'll see if I can do screen caps, but if I can't then I'll just have to type it. But it will be hilarious.
Or at least I find it funny. Y'all might think it's dumb. But that's a chance I have to take.
Oh, and since I forgot it earlier, today's song of the day is "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)" by Nine Days.
1 comment(s):
Apparently they are simply jealous of the way you write and the way you live your life. You consistently amaze me on both issues. Keep smilin'!
Sheri, at
1/04/2007 8:55 AM
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