Send in the clowns? Or maybe not..
I sat down to write a post about the Snickers ad, but my ADD got the best of me. I was flipping through channels, and saw Star Trek: The Next Generation. Now, I am not a Trekkie by any stretch of the imagination, but I love Wil Wheaton. So much, in fact, that I did attempt to watch TNG when it first came out. Wil or not, I just can't wrap my brain around science fiction. Anyhow though it was on this G4 TV channel, and I didn't know what that was. So, I googled it and went to their Web site. In addition to reading forums on the TNG message board about how people hate Wil, which I really do not understand except that perhaps they don't know Wil like I do. Go read his book, Just A Geek, haters.Actually everyone should read it. Go buy a copy, because his son's really close to going to college and I'm sure he'd appreciate your money.
Ooops, ADD again. Where was I?
Oh yes, while I was on the G4TV web site, I saw this poll:
What Childhood Icon scares you more?
Beaker the Muppet - 7.9%
H.R. Puff'n'stuff - 17%
Papa Smurf - 16.1%
Bozo the Clown - 59%
I started thinking about why people are terrified of clowns. I am not a big fan myself, which is funny because my dear friend is a clown. I'm not terrified like some people, but I definitely have a strong dislike. I think part of it for me, was that my uncle had a large collection of clown memorabilia, and I don't particularly like him. I think it just turned me off.
But seriously, clowns are freaking creepy. I have never seen Stephen King's It or read the book, so that's not why I hate clowns. I don't know why, but I think they're scary. There's a whole web site about hating clowns, appropriately named, so I decided to check it out.
Wow, this is quite a phenomenon. Some people can't even see clowns in pictures. It's really bad. I am not afraid, but I wouldn't go out of my way to be around a clown. When I planned the Halloween Party at the Land of Misfit Toys, someone offered to dress as a clown. I told them no. I'm glad I did now, because it sounds like clowns bring bad feelings to lots of people.
Maybe it's the make-up. Maybe it's the people underneath the make-up. Maybe it's the big shoes and little cars. I don't know. I can't tell you exactly why I don't like clowns, just that I don't. I don't hate them; they're just people doing a job. I just don't want to hang out with them.
What about you? How do you feel about clowns? Like them? Hate them? Paralyzed with fear? And why? Let's get the comments going with this one... I'm really curious.
11 comment(s):
Believe it or not there are certain types of clowns that creep me out as well. My understanding of it is the fact that the make-up makes them unrecognizable. Whereas a person in a giant mascot costume is very clearly a human underneath.
Yes clowns are human but creepy looking humans at best. Alot of it has to do with the way the make-up is done. Sharper lines scare more people than rounded edges...Studies have been done I swear!
Any way that's my two cents...
one4JC, at
2/10/2007 10:08 PM
Elj, I'm going to tell you why. And, when I will agree.
It's because of that episode of "Fantasy Island" all those years ago - the lady that used to own a circus wanted to go back. But, instead of owning, she performed. Well, one of her former co-workers wanted her dead...and someone attempted to axe her, disguised as a clown. It was all freaky and psychedelic and stuff. And the screen was all stretchy and twisty, to make you think you were in a fun house.
But there was no fun.
That's totally why, I'm telling you.
Even after spending 4 years as a kiddie clown in the Peru Circus (before 'graduating' up to the trapeze), I will admit that yes...much like one4jc, I too, am creeped out by most clowns.
Does this freak you out? Even just a little?
One guess. C'mon...which one am I?
TanteToma, at
2/11/2007 1:56 AM
Actually, I'm scared shitless by that photo. Maybe I AM afraid of clowns.
I couldn't look very long, but were you the one in yellow in the 2nd row?
Laura, at
2/11/2007 2:00 AM
Negative. You see, I wasn't actually a 'clown'. Front row - Raggedy Ann and Andy. That was my best friend, Matt.
He's afraid of clowns, too.
TanteToma, at
2/11/2007 9:44 AM
I have always liked clowns.
Daisy, at
2/11/2007 12:15 PM
Wow, I thought I was the only one with a clown phobia! I'm not so weird after all. (Or maybe it's just that lots of others are as weird as me?)
Actually, my phobia extends to just about anyone in costume. As long as I can remember, I have totally freaked out when around someone in any sort of costume. I never would even sit in the lap and get a picture made with the mall Santas. My mom hates the fact that she doesn't have any pics of me with Santa, but I'd start crying hysterically if I even got close to him.
Even today, I get weirded out when I go to a Havoc (local SPHL hockey team) game and their mascot, Chaos, starts making the rounds. Even worse, 8 or so years ago when my cousin was playing college football, his (really hot!) roomate was their mascot. I couldn't hardly talk to him because I knew he spent the whole football games dressed in a lion costume. And since I always sat with my aunts and other cousins and he knew us, he'd always come over in costume and pick one of us to be part of his routines in the stands. I guess it's a good thing I couldn't talk to him because he's now the Tennesse Titans mascot, T-Rac. I KNOW I couldn't stomach that, LOL!
I guess it's good to know I'm the only one who's creeped out by clowns and others in costumes.
Unknown, at
2/11/2007 2:59 PM
Okay, no. For me, just clowns. I worked in the entertainment department at Walt Disney World for 13 years - spent all 13 of those dressed up like a cartoon. Andrea, you should start a website like the clown people!
TanteToma, at
2/11/2007 9:47 PM
My MOTHER and my SISTER are clowns so I deal with my clown creepy feary thing by going to ihateclownsdotcom and I bought the "cant sleep clowns will eat me" shirt. Ask One4JC she has seen me wear it. My mother was less than thrilled with it though.
Unknown, at
2/12/2007 4:28 PM
I am feeling a little less kooky now about my clown fear. Who knew so many other people were afraid of them too. I can't really pinpoint what caused it for me but I did accidentally see "It" at a young age so maybe that was it. I try to hide my fear around Molly because I don't want her to be afraid of them too. Yikes!!
Anonymous, at
2/13/2007 10:26 AM
"Andrea, you should start a website like the clown people!"
That would be like my worst nightmare! Having to gather info on people in costumes ... and look through pictures for the site ... and have to type the words "costumes," "clowns," " cartoon characters," etc. over and over. I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it! Hmmm, maybe I should just change my phobia to a fear of things that start with the letter "C" ...
Unknown, at
2/13/2007 9:36 PM
There's currently something I'm afraid of that starts with "C," too...
Laura, at
2/13/2007 9:41 PM
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