My little corner of the world where I ramble about life and a whole lotta nothing. When I started I wondered if folks read this stuff, and it turns out they do. I think that's pretty freaking cool...Grab a beer, pull up a chair and take a peek into my world.
OMFG that is brilliant. Love It!! Love It!! I will take them all into consideration and good luck with all those tomorrow. Bobby will bring the Haggard, Dusty's got the whiskey and you've got the tits. Somebody has got to get laid one of these times... and Dusty's shouldn't count cuz he has a hot girlfriend and me and you have been over the Bobby thing. :)
1 comment(s):
OMFG that is brilliant. Love It!! Love It!! I will take them all into consideration and good luck with all those tomorrow. Bobby will bring the Haggard, Dusty's got the whiskey and you've got the tits. Somebody has got to get laid one of these times... and Dusty's shouldn't count cuz he has a hot girlfriend and me and you have been over the Bobby thing. :)
Anonymous, at
3/09/2007 6:53 PM
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