Memphis in May...
As y'all know, I am dying to go to Memphis. My birthday is in May, and it just so happens the weekend before my birthay is the weekend of the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest. So, my friends and I were thinking that maybe this would be a great weekend for us to head West and check out the sights.Currently the plan is to visit the following places:
Memphis Zoo (I see from their Web site that you can have birthday parties there. Hmm...)
Beale Street Saturday night
and then probably The Lorraine Motel before we head back on Sunday.
Anyhow, if you'd like to join us for the fun, let me know. The more the merrier!
1 comment(s):
You can't go to Memphis without stopping by the Peabody and see their ducks! ( ) I haven't actually been there myself but everyone I know who has really liked the ducks. It's on my list of must-dos when I make it up there.
Unknown, at
3/09/2007 5:10 PM
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