It's sinking in, but that's not a bad thing...
So, I think it's sinking in about everything going on in my life and it's OK. I'm OK and everything is going to be OK. The only thing I'm really worried about at all is who's driving the U-haul to Nashville and what are we going to do with the dozen 3-5 year olds in my Sunday School class. I hate leaving people in a lurch. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I was going to be left in one.The plan was ALWAYS to be in Nashville by spring. So, we're moving it up a month. That's OK. It will be easier to find a job from there. And I'll get unemployment, which doesn't pay my bills but will help. I have some money saved up that I can live off until I find something. If I have to I'll work at Target and tend bar until I find something that gets me back on track with my career plan. Yep, I am definitely making limes out of margaritas. Which is good, because I'm going to have to not spend my money on tequila soon enough.
I live in a storage locker right now. (Not literally. Don't call the cops or anything. I guess all my stuff lives there.) Really, it's nothing to move in 6 weeks. And Kayla's boards aren't until 1/31, so we probably aren't moving right on Feb. 1 anyhow. We talked for a long time last night. We are excited and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. It's a new opportunity. As I said to a friend last night, God just clipped some wings on my back and pushed me out of the nest. It's up to me to decide whether I'm going to spread my wings and fly or break my neck. And all I have to say to that is "Flap, flap, flap." I'm going to fly.
The words of encouragement I've received since all this came down have been phenomenal. Some folks have surprised me with their well wishes. A few have encouraged me to turn to my Bible, and I've done that. I know that God only gives us what we can handle. But as Bl. Mother Teresa said, "Sometimes I wish he didn't trust me so much." That's where I am.
My friend Toma e-mailed me an inspirational missive this morning, and she referenced Jeremiah 29:11. "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not harm, to give you a future with hope." I went on to read verse 12, which reminds me to pray I have to ask for God's help and He will hear my prayers.
IT-chick reminded me to read Philipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me," and Romans 8:23 "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are all called according to His purpose." In my Bible there are devotions for both of those verses, and I'll be reading them later on tonight.
God will take care of me, as long as I keep working on what I need to be doing. I have been doing that lately and He's been very good to me. I was a little taken aback by moving a little ahead of schedule, but I realized there's a reason God wants me there a month earlier. I have a suspicion I know exactly why. I am sure you'll all read about it right here!!!
2 comment(s):
Well, the yellow-haired boy is already Catholic, so we're coolio, although I don't think that's on the radar screen quite yet. As for Chesney, even though I KNOW it's not your kind of music (although it's not your mama's country music anymore!) you've got to take a listen. And if your band gets a gig down that way, you have to let me know. I will bring you your very own entourage!!!
(P.S. The yellow-haired boy, unlike Chesney, is not a country artist! I can't remember what you like but you might just like him, if nothing else but for the fact that he's a fantastic guy!!!)
Laura, at
12/17/2005 8:16 PM
I think IT-Chick likes everything BUT country LOL. Keep up the optimism and 'chinner up'.
one4JC, at
12/17/2005 8:51 PM
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