Does anybody read these?

Friday, December 09, 2005

OK, that was quick...

So, right after I hit publish, my phone rings. It was my aunt and she asks if I am the only one home. I tell her that mom is still in bed and my dad went with my uncle and cousin to the race track because his horse races today. She tells me that our road is two tire tracks with ice underneath.

I told her that I needed to call work and tell them I wasn't driving on two tire tracks with ice underneath and I would see them Monday. She tells me she heard on the radio that my work was closed and the shindig tonight was cancelled. Now, I had asked my mom if she'd heard the school closings and she said yes and that work wasn't on there. But she watched them on WV TV and not on local radio. Arggh. All that worry about nothing. I probably could've even slept in.

Well, I've got some stuff to catch up on here in blogland, but my biggest task today will be updating the old resume and shipping it off to NashVegas. The more I think about it, the more I realize that's where I need to be. First of all, some people are just city folk, even if they have a country heart. But honestly, Nashville's a great place for that. It's got a real chic urban vibe to it, but you can live out of town on a farm if you want. You can be totally country in your 10-gallon hat, jeans and boots or you can be totally metropolitan. What a great combination. It honestly sounds like the perfect place for a girl who loves wide open fields, but hates driving 2 hours for a decent restaurant.

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