New-feature-on-the-blog alert!!!
I added a new feature over to the sidebar. Underneath all my fun links there is a word of the day now. I love words. I especially love big words that other people don't know. Yes, I realize that's very pretentious. Anyhow, let's all improve our vocabulary one day at a time!!!!!The first word is exacerbate . One of my favorites!
6 comment(s):
i do not like the title of your blog.
"Does anybody read these?" is really awful.
there... i've said my one really nasty thing for the day and i can go back to being fake.
have a great day.
Anonymous, at
2/20/2006 6:43 PM
Oh, look, I have a critic! That's OK that you don't like it. I'm quite of fond of it now, but we don't all have to get along. It's not awful at all, although it's probably a tad bit outdated. You see, when I started writing this I had no idea that people read these things, let alone that they'd spend the majority of their day on someone else's blog. So, I probably should change it because it's not accurate. But I like it, so it stays.
And just a reminder that while I'm being very lenient today, I generally don't accept anonymous comments. Consider this your freebie!
Laura, at
2/20/2006 6:59 PM
I love the title of your blog; Why? Because it's a constant reminder that people DO read these.
And you're a brilliant writer.
TanteToma, at
2/20/2006 10:44 PM
Well, Toma, I'll be honest. I don't know if I'd use the word brilliant. Clever, maybe. It is kind of funny, and it makes people want to click on it, and that's a very good thing on a blog roll. I've gotten lots of new readers by having a good name. I've had 4,000 visitors and one complaint, so I'd say my track record is good.
Hey, did you see the word of the day went from exacerbate to melee at midnight. Both excellent choices!!!
Laura, at
2/20/2006 11:21 PM
One of my favorite words? Conundrum. Believe I used it in an IM conversation with you last night...or the night before.
And you're brilliantly clever ;o)
TanteToma, at
2/21/2006 9:50 AM
Oh yes, I have the occasional conundrum. It's a fantastic word!!!!
Laura, at
2/21/2006 11:34 AM
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