It has been an interesting day, although not too much to report. I went and got my hair done today, which means this will be the only day it looks really good, so of course I can't find my camera because my friends wanted me to take a picture with the new hair and post it here. Really, it does look adorable, but you'll have to take my word on it.But I did find out that the woman who does my hair can also do manicures, so I'm a very happy camper. It's been hard to find someone to do them, and I don't know why I never thought to ask Allie. But she does, and my nails are getting all excited about it.
I'm also going to start tanning, if my body doesn't react badly to it. I am the whitest person in the world, and I could use some color. And, while you're not really supposed to use tanning beds as your only means to treat seasonal affective disorder, folks say that they help. So, we'll see how that little experiment goes. I know it's not good for you, but I thought I'd give it a try.
What else today? It was pizza night and I made a salad to go with it. For some reason I wanted bacon bits, but you know I'm always watching what I eat, so I put those fake ones in it. Just trying to figure out what exactly they use for those. My guess is TVP. Anyhow, the salad was tasty. And it was the best pizza I've made. Something always seems to go wrong when I make pizza, so I was very glad I figured it out.
Lastly, a few of my friends conned me into getting on MySpace. And since I did, I've reconnected with a few friends from high school. They've been stopping by here, too. Some of you may have seen my little comment banter with Krista, who I went to school with for 11 years (she's a year younger than I am), rode in the carpool with, once accidentally received her report card in the mail (good job, by the way!) and I went to her wedding. Krista has always been a great friend, and it's great to reconnect with her. Kurt was in the same grade as I, and I remember one year he had one helluva party (birthday? Halloween?) on his parents' farm. He was on my newspaper staff and we went to prom and Journalism Olympics (I can hear you laughing. Stop it!) together. I taught Sunday School (yes, I've been teaching Sunday School for almost 20 years) with his sisters. So, it's been nice catching up with them. I promise I'll stop saying MySpace is stupid now. Although I feel ancient compared to everyone else on there.
Oh, and Krista (*whispering so no one else can hear*):
This is the guy I was telling you about. Here are some pics of him with his boss (and that short-lived Mrs. Chesney. Well, she's still alive, but you know what I mean!)...

Edited to add: Renee has some ugly-ass hands, but oh lookie she's got her hook bracelet on in those pictures! Yay for her!!!
5 comment(s):
I'm quite fond of them. I think I can even wait a few more weeks until I see them...
Laura, at
2/21/2006 11:29 AM
Reconnecting with friends from the past can be fun. I did that over Christmas if you remember. As for Myspace I have had one for about 2 years and don't do anything with it. Why? Not sure!
Unknown, at
2/21/2006 12:10 PM
Krista, I JUST found out you liked him. Who knew? I could probably track down some tickets for you if you really wanted to drive to Dayton for drunken debauchery with me and my crazy friends. It'd be a blast...
Laura, at
2/21/2006 12:41 PM
That's a lot of pressure. I love to go see Kenny, so it's no big deal to add a show. Of course, you're more than welcome to come visit me in the new digs in Nashville in July.
Laura, at
2/21/2006 1:05 PM
I know. It sucks for everyone else. But I'm excited. And you can come visit. It's a great vacation destination...
Laura, at
2/21/2006 1:14 PM
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