Another confession...
Are you ready?I hate peanut butter.
The only time I eat peanut butter is in those peanut blossom cookies, the ones with the Hershey Kiss in the middle or the occasional Reese's cup. Sometimes I also like peanut butter fudge, but I'm very finicky about it and it can't have nuts.
Peanut butter and jelly? Nope. Peanut butter and crackers? Yuck. And God forbid you try to give me peanut butter and bananas, because I hate bananas more than peanut butter.
I thought I'd tell you all because a friend of mine couldn't believe I hated peanut butter. It's gross. And besides, it's fattening, so I'd be in big trouble if I did like it.
1 comment(s):
You know what, though? I hated it then too. I thought about mentioning that in my blog, but I generally tried not to eat those nasty crackers.
Laura, at
2/21/2006 11:32 AM
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