So, I hear people are looking for me...
Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I feel bad for totally abandoning y'all for like 5 days. I had good reasons, honest.I thought I told y'all about the big Kappa Phi conference last weekend. It was my last hurrah, as I am done with my job as Public Relations Coordinator. I was term-limited and frankly that's OK because I needed a break. I had toyed with the idea of running for president and I didn't do that for two reasons. 1) I don't really have time right now with moving and finding a new job and 2) there's a bit of notoriety of certain people being selected before the elections and if you aren't one of those people you are out of luck. So honestly, there was absolutely no point. But the girls who were elected were great and very capable and I had a nice four-year run. If I'm settled by next June and have time, I can consider a national office. To be honest, the national newsletter editor is retiring in June 2007, and I think I'd really like that position. I think I'll drop a note to our national president and let her know that. We'll see...
The conference went well. The camp was nice as far as camps go. The food was fantastic and the staff bent over backwards for us, which is a major improvement from the camp where we hosted the event in 2004. The Executive Director lived on-site and he was beyond helpful whenever we needed his help, even with stupid things like the DVD player not working for movie night. The only real issue was that it is a summer camp, and it definitely was not summer. So, it was cold. I froze during the day; I froze in the shower; and I froze while I slept. I was cold. I'm sure it's great when it's 90 degrees outside...
The best part of the conference was the theme for the upcoming year. It is "Get Out of the Boat." I don't have all the Bible verses in front of me, but basically our challenge in the next year is how we can get out of the boat that holds us back and keeps us from realizing our full potential. I had to think a lot about my hopes and dreams and getting over my fears this weekend. I also had 60 of my sorority sisters reinforce that I am not crazy for moving to a strange city (not that it's really strange...) with no job and no permanant place to live. I have money in my savings and there are plenty of jobs there were I can truly realize my full potential, probably for the first time in my life...
So, I came back ready to get out of the boat. Toma called me last night and said that she was glad I came home fired up. And I am fired up. I sat down here Sunday night and decided to find a place to live in Nashville, and I'm going down in a few weeks to meet the woman who will probably be my roommate for the summer. I'm pretty excited. We are already really getting along, and I think it's a good fit. The apartment is over near Belmont, so it's right in the heart of everything. So close to Music Row. Not that I need to be there. I was very happy with Antioch, but I like the idea of going down for a few months and trying it out. If it works, I'll be realizing my hopes and dreams. If it doesn't, then I move back to Ohio with my tail between my legs, having taken the most expensive summer vacation ever.
I figure while I have your attention that I'd explain why it's taken me until Tuesday to write. You see, I had a bit of a contact-lens mishap, and this is the first day I've felt well enough to stare at this white screen to write. In fact, I haven't actually made it home yet, although I'm going to try today. When I woke up Sunday morning, I was in such excruciating pain that I couldn't keep my eye open. I was supposed to drive home 4 1/2 - 5 hours, but it just wasn't happening. I barely made it to the Walmart that was 10 minutes from the camp to get my sexy eye patch and some eye drops. When I left Walmart, I realized there was no way I was going to be able to log 240 miles. So, I called Amy, who lives less than an hour away and asked if she was up for company. She was, so I've been in Anderson for 2 days now. I think I am going to try to go home today, but it's finally bright and sunny here! My mom told me to take my time, and that is what I'm doing... It's nice to catch up with Amy. I wish the kids were here, but they are off on a spring-break adventure with their grandma.
I told Amy as soon as I get settled, I am buying this shirt for Cassie and Cammeron:

Oh, and one last thought, since I'm getting out of the boat and all... I wrote the note for Jen B to pass during study hall. It's breezy but it lays it out there. I'm mailing it this afternoon so she can pass it off in Omaha on Thursday. I'm excited to just go for it, but nervous as hell. Anyhow, fingers crossed and a few prayers if you can spare them. Marti suggested I pray to St. Anne as I sealed the envelope, so that should help!
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