The Waiting Game...
When I worked in politics, I never got nervous until the polls closed. You could throw whatever mud you wanted to at my candidate and as long as there was time for us to spin it, I was OK. But once the polls closed there was nothing I could do. No more babies to kiss, no more lit pieces to pass out, not one more voter I can convince. Once the polls close, all you can do is wait for the results to come back and hope for the best. There is nothing left that you can do.That's where I am right now. Today I went to the post office and sent my note off to be passed during study hall. It said everything it needed to say. Everything the last one should've said but didn't. My friend who's in charge of passing said she's not leaving the arena without that envelope being placed directly in his hands. She seems to think that things will be fine. I'm cautiously optimistic. It's not like my life hinges on this or anything. It'd just be nice. And seriously, I see no harm in two people who live in the same city getting together to have a cup of coffee, which is the offer that's on the table at this point.
So, this means that the ball is in his court, completely and totally. I just have to wait and see if he picks it up and plays or if he kicks it out of bounds. So, I wait. And Marti pointed out to me that with this being the busy time of his life it might take a while. I'm just gonna put it back up on the shelf and be pleasantly surprised if he calls. Frankly I am so busy with moving that I probably won't even have time to think about it.
I hate waiting. I'm not very patient. And I am so freaked out that I am going to get an answer I really don't want to hear. Sometimes silence speaks volumes. At least now, regardless of what happens, I can say that I put out the effort. I saw what I wanted and I went after it. I tossed the first pitch out there, but will he hit a grand slam or strike out?
2 comment(s):
What's with the sports metaphors!?
Have faith - you've got all the positive vibes I can spare coming your way! This will be the summer we BOTH find our men - I can just feel it!!
k, at
4/05/2006 7:09 AM
I'm not sure what the whole sports thing is. I wrote the whole thing and was like "whoa, where'd the sports metaphors come from?"
It's gonna be a great summer, regardless. But everyone thinks we'd be good together, so I think we should try...
Laura, at
4/05/2006 9:11 AM
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