I am a bad blogger.
I suck at blogging right now. I guess it's partly because I have nothing to report. Perhaps it's because I'm kind of busy with moving and attempting to rejoin the ranks of the employed. I'm a pretty boring person, really. There's also stuff I'm just not talking about yet.Let me give you some snippets of what's going on in my crazy life before y'all send out the search party.
First of all, moving. I am shooting to be a resident of Music City by June 1, at the latest. I am working very hard to make that happen. We will see. I don't know how much I told you all about where I am living. I found an absolutely great house that I'll be sharing with this gal Carol and her dog. It's absolutely the best neighborhood in Nashville, close to everything. And plenty of space for both of us. And, of course, Carol made it quite clear that she's looking for more of an urban family a la Bridget Jones and less of a person that will just stay in their room and not try to interact with others. So many people I talked to were like that, and I'm way too social for that kind of environment. And frankly, having a roommate forces me to be social and get out and meet new people, which is what I need. I'm still quite panicked that I'm not going to find a job and run out of money, but I think that if I work hard I'll be just fine.
Secondly, I don't know if y'all noticed this, but I am turning 30 this week. (Or, as I like to call it, "29 with a bonus ball.") Honestly, I'm not too devastated about turning 30 even though I find it's yet another milestone birthday where I am pushing all my major accomplishments back. I've done a lot in my 30 years, but there's still so much to be done. There are plenty of lists of things to do before you're 30, and I haven't done them all. Nor do I think I can get everything done in the next week. Everyone's been asking me what I wanted for my birthday, and I even made up one of those Amazon.com wish lists, which was kind of fun. I don't think I'll get a single thing on it, but it's a lot of fun. And you never know when someone is going to surprise you.
I know what my wish is going to be when I blow out my candles, assuming anyone remembers to get me a cake... Of course, it's customary to not tell what that wish is anyhow, or it won't come true.
Remember how I was worried that going to Nashville would cause feelings about the ex to resurface? Well, they have, but it's not the ex that I expected it to be. It's a few of my ex-friends. I know that sounds so odd. Maybe it's spending 8 hours in the car. Maybe it's that long stretch of road between Louisville and Nashville on I-65. Maybe it's all the reminders of little stories that I see as I drive around town. Reminders of things that weren't quite true. So then I think about the things that I know are lies and half-truths. Then I wonder about the things that just don't seem to make sense if everything else is a lie. All I know for sure is the people I have seen with my own eyes, the people I know are absolutely, positively 100% who they say they are. And I know what those people have said. They have absolutely no reason to lie, and nothing to gain. I guess I'll never get it. I just hate when I get these nagging feelings about the whole thing. Maybe it's because I did have a lot of good memories along with the bad. I have a lot of tolerance when I care for someone. Honestly to this day if people would just cut the bull shit and just try to be good friends, I would probably consider it. Now, I probably think that because I know it will never happen. It's easy to say that when you know it will never happen.
But I guess that's OK. After all I'm supposed to whittle my group of friends down only to people I like before I'm 30. And for the most part I have done that. Of course, you'll always have those friends who think that you are this great friend to them, when really you only tolerate them. But that's for another day.
Lastly, the girls and I are finally getting to the point where we can plan our trip to the Caribbean. I may still get there before, but officially we're ALL planning to go next year. It'll be a lot of fun, and I hope we don't end up in jail.
In honor of that trip, here is my picture of the day:

1 comment(s):
I just heart that pix. When do we leave?!?
Anonymous, at
5/17/2006 11:53 PM
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