Just checking in...
Tomorrow I think I might celebrate July 4th with some margaritas by the pool at my friend's house, and then the free concert/fireworks down at Riverfront Park. Those of you who are not here in the fine Music City can watch it live on GAC, I guess.I can't believe that several of my friends are convening here in Nashville this weekend. It's going to be fun. And amazingly, not a single house guest. I'm a little surprised, but not devastated because my furniture has not yet arrived. Dad swears it's coming soon, though.
Did you know you can buy Mackinac Fudge online and have it shipped to your house? That's cruel. I also found out that they make little personalized boxes of fudge as wedding favors. I may suggest it to my brother, since he proposed to Srta. Benitez Up North.
OK, so today I heard "Daddy's Hands" on the radio and it reminded me of an interesting anecdote from my dad's 50th birthday party. We had a big catered shindig and invited everyone. It was a surprise, and we did such a good job that my brother told us Dad almost cancelled at the last minute. Thank goodness he didn't.
Anyhow, before Dad's party, I practiced forever because I was going to sing Daddy's Hands for my dad. If I ever get married (yes, this is where you can laugh) I figure I will dance with my dad to that song. Or maybe Tough Little Boys by Gary Allan. You never know with me.
Lance, being the actual singer/songwriter that he is, gets up on stage after me and sings and plays "Love Without End, Amen" by George Strait.
My cousin Mary was never known for being a tactful person. In fact, I am pretty sure that she spent a majority of her adult life strung out on something. A few weeks ago, she had that last drug overdose that finally did her in. I wasn't really shocked or saddened, it was one of those things we all expected; we just didn't know when until it happened. She was 36 years old. She had three kids, but she'd never really been a mom to them anyhow. Even though I wasn't her biggest fan, I was saddened when the reports of her funeral arrived in Nashville and I heard how my aunt's preacher -- her mother's preacher (her mom has denounced the Catholic Church.) -- pretty much said at her funeral that she was going to hell. I didn't particularly like her or the things she did, but I wouldn't ever say she was going to hell. That's not my call. And it's surely not acceptable at what's supposed to be a celebration of her life. Of course this "Christian" minister seized the opportunity to use Mary as an example, so that all the other heathens might be saved and come to Jesus. That minister should probably thank Jesus every day that I couldn't leave Nashville for the funeral. I'm not one to mince words.
Where was I? Oh, off the soap box and back to Dad's party. After Lance and I sang our songs for Dad, Mary says rather loudly "If one more person sings a sad song about their dad, I am going to off myself."
What could you do but laugh, really?
When I heard Daddy's Hands today, I remembered that story. And I laughed. Then I finally cried for Mary. God rest her soul.
Here's some food for thought. (Pardon the pun.) Scientists recently studied 9,000 obese people and came to this conclusion:
Most obese people are not jolly. In fact, they are more likely to experience depression and other mood disorders.
No fucking duh. Wonder how much that study cost. Read the whole thing here.
1 comment(s):
Glad you interview went well. Just keep talking that you got the job.
As far as the group interview, if this is the one you really want, tell yourself you aced the interview and the job is yours. (When you have that attitude, you exude a whole personna of confidence and boy, does that make a difference!)I know it worked for me. Just keep talking positive and say the affirmations as they are a done thing. Get into the habit of affirming every dayfor everything.
Love ya.
Have a great 4th.
Will be w/my son, granddaughter & great grandson.
Lots has happened. We need to talk.
Anonymous, at
7/04/2006 7:50 AM
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