Jesus Take the Wheel
I think I mentioned last week after a particularly bad day that the song "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood was playing when I turned the radio on during the ride home. It was almost like a message. So, I don't find it coincidental that I kept hearing it. It's a little reminder that God's looking out for me, I think.I decided to make it the song of the day today and give it a little extra space because it happened again today. I am starting to worry about my job situation, although I am working on improving that. I don't want to be where I am and I'm OK with looking for a place where I'll be happy. I'm just worried I won't find it right away and my bills won't get paid. I guess I just need to ask Jesus to take the wheel. Today I was leaving Detroit and I felt kind of upset, which was really the first time this has happened since my first trip to Ohio for good. I was just thinking maybe I completely and totally made a mistake. Maybe that's where, I'm supposed to be and then all of a sudden I heard the opening notes of this song again.
It's like God keeps saying "Laura, you're going to be OK. I'm right here with you. Let me know when you can't do it and I need to take the wheel." Of course, God knows I need reminders because I'm not always very good with letting go and letting God.
1 comment(s):
I got home today and this was almost the first video they played when I turned the tv on. After the last two days I think I have some serious questions. They say that God will never give you more than you can handle but I am beginning to have serious doubts about that.
Unknown, at
11/30/2005 7:49 PM
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