I'm surprised she didn't tag me...
I'm a little sad. One4JC always tags me, so imagine when I went to her bloggy blog and there was a new meme and no tag for me. True, she didn't tag anyone and the last couple of times I've been too tired/insane/busy to do them anyhow.But this seems fun, so I will try.
5 Things in my freezer:
1. Low-fat ice cream
2. Lean cuisines
3. The coffee I just opened this morning
4. Frozen veggies
5. Coconut rum
5 Things in my car:
1. A huge stack of CDs in varying conditions
2. A quilt my mom made for me
3. tailgate supplies -- plastic shot glasses, drink umbrellas, those damn cups
4. autographs from the last three concerts I went to
5. A container of Bath & Body Works anti-bacterial wipes
(and before anyone else asks what I'm NOT mentioning, I cleaned my car out. So there.)
5 Things in my Closet:
1. Clothes
2. Shoes
3. a laundry basket with dirty clothes in it
4. hangers
5. a cardboard box
(I am by no means moved in yet!)
5 Things in my Handbag (purse):
1. Wallet
2. Sunglasses
3. Sugar-free pina colada gum
4. My wristband from the sandbar
5. lip balm with sunscreen -- right now it's from bath & body works, but sometimes it's chapstick.
1 comment(s):
Does my faux boyfriend count?
Laura, at
7/23/2006 10:16 PM
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