I hate Monday!
So, I think I've figured out the iPod. At least I seem to be able to shut it off and not waste all the battery. And I seem to be able to play my music at work. We'll see if it all really works. Oh, and a little bird told me that on the newest version of iTunes, you can transfer Windows media files into AACs (the sound files that iPods use), so that means that all the CDs on my hard drive aren't worthless once I get all upgraded at home! Oh, and I was a little worried about installing iTunes on the work computer ... until I got it downloaded and it showed me all the LimeWire tunes our IT person had downloaded onto our server. If that's not against the rules, I think that listening to your own legally-purchased music on your iPod is OK. Of course, he is no longer our IT person now. (But I doubt they knew about the Limewire thing!)I'm about to dive into a big story, and I'm pretty excited. It's nice to feel like a "real" writer again; even though now that I write all the time, I neglect the blog. Really that has more to do with Christmas in retail than the writing. I don't really have to work there, but it'd be a big gap to fill if I left, and it's really too close to Christmas to do that. And 99 percent of the time, it's not a bad job. It's just when people yell at me about "lying" about Nintendo Wii systems or expect me to personally fix a Power Wheel that their kid busted all to hell, that I really dislike working there. And, of course, I recently realized while training some new folks that I take my intelligence for granted. I just assumed that everyone on earth had basic skills, and they don't. It raises the question: If you can't make change, why would you want to be a cashier at a department store? Just tossing that out there ...
So, I don't dislike the new mattress, even though it is much firmer than I would've chosen for myself. Yes, I know it has a pillow top, but it still feels like a rock to me. Maybe it'll get better as it's less new. I guess the worst thing about it is that I have this big, giant bed and it's just me in it ...
Well, it's back to work now. I think I'm going to go on the lookout for another cup of coffee. Two just isn't cutting it this morning. I'm exhausted from the non-stop work this weekend. (Well, I did stop enough to do a little shopping and cleaning, but resting has been out of the question.)
Song of the Day? That's an easy one. "Jackson," by Johnny and June Carter Cash. My version's the one by Joaquin and Reese from Walk The Line, but that's OK. Oh, and Dustin has informed me that it's actually about a different Jackson, but that's OK, too. I like the part where it says: "I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around."
Oh, and just to clarify. I'm allowed to go to Jackson. I was just told I'm not allowed to stay. Well, by almost everyone, anyway...
1 comment(s):
I am so far behind on you - and I'm SO SO SO SORRY. Family is gone, and my temporary roommate moves in on Thursday. Let's try and talk this week - pretty please? I'll be home tonight after 7pm, my time, if it's not too late. I MISS YOU SO MUCH...like the deserts miss the rain! LOVE YOU!!!
TanteToma, at
11/28/2006 12:55 PM
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