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Thursday, November 30, 2006

No coffee?

So, I'm trying very hard to get to work on time because apparently certain people have gotten antsy because no one is here right at 8 a.m. I am not a morning person. I am pretty honest about that. I hate mornings. In my ideal world, I'd be allowed to work noon - 8 p.m. But unfortunately, life is not that kind. So, I get up every day somewhere in the region of 6 a.m. - 6:30 a.m. I only live 10 minutes from the office (on a good day!), so I don't even bother making coffee at home before I leave. But I grab a cup of coffee before I even get to my desk. One day Crystal saw me at 8:20 with no coffee, and I think she almost passed out. Generally I don't get upstairs without a big cuppa Joe in my hand.

So, today I get here at 7:58. Life is grand. I am early. Woo-hoo. I stumbled into the kitchen and the coffee pot is empty.

No coffee. Aggghhhh!!!!

Someone has to make it, so I drag out the filters, grounds and water pitcher and fire up the Java machine. I make my breakfast Lean Pocket and head up to my desk. A few minutes later, I went downstairs and poured myself a cup of coffee. (Sidebar: There is a holiday mint chocolate truffle creamer. Yummmmm.)

I finally got settled at 8:07 a.m. So much for being early. And I was so mixed up from the lack of proper caffeination that I totally left my bag sitting in the kitchen. I didn't notice until I went to take my cold medicine. (Another sidebar: Tylenol Sinus Decongestion and Pain pills ROCK! Miracle drug!)

On the plus side, I've gotten loads accomplished already this morning. Despite the 10 million Hershey's Kisses at my house, I have started the diet back up today. I am even writing down all my food -- at least until I get all crazy about it. I'm really not supposed to do that. I'm also not supposed to have a scale in my house, but since I can't get to TOPS meetings anytime soon, I'm going to go buy one. My friend Kali and I were talking the other night over dinner and I mentioned that I needed to buy a scale, and she said that she had one but she wasn't supposed to have one. Needless to say, that ended up being a very interesting conversation. Actually, almost accidentally, I've been talking to a lot of people who have food issues lately. I am most likely going to blog more about it soon, because I'm at a place in my life again where I need to talk about it. All my normal issues have come to the surface lately, and we all know that talking about them is probably the best way to deal with them.

I need to join a gym, but it'll probably be after the holidays when my life slows down a little bit. I have debated quitting my wonderful job at the land of the misfit toys, but then I realize that it'd be nice to get ahead a little and afford things I really don't need, but really want -- like Bob Seger tickets. I'm also debating whether or not I join a gym or if I just buy a treadmill for my house. Honestly, after reading the paragraph above this one, I think I'd be better suited to join a gym. I can always work out at home if I need to, especially now that my walking DVDs are on Comcast OnDemand. I'll probably wait until next year then, because Y membership is income-based and I didn't have much income in 2006.

Oh, and I can still have four Hershey Kisses a day as a snack. Luckily last night I bought four different kinds, so I can have one of each! Yay!

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