If I'm quiet...
There's some stuff going on right now that I can't really talk about yet. I'm sure soon enough I'll have something to tell all of you. I have my fingers crossed and I'm praying really hard (as are a lot of of my friends) that I'll be able to share something really good with all of you soon, whatever it may be.So, it's rare that I'm at a loss for words. But right now I've got a lot on my mind. Yeah, I've had a lot on my mind for months, but this is very different. Even if I could talk about it I'm not really sure what I'd say at this point. But as busy as I've been lately, I'm about to get about 10 times busier. Don't call the search party if I disappear off the face of the earth, OK?
There's 6 more days to Kenny Chesney's new CD. Each day on Chesneymusic.com there is a new preview of a song from the CD. Today's song was "You Save Me." It's great. My favorite so far. I can't wait to hear the whole CD. I've loved almost every song I've heard so far, so I think I'll be pleased. The reviews I've read have been great so far too. Anyhoo, my point was that "You Save Me" is not only Kenny's song of the day, but mine too. Now, I just need to find someone to slow-dance with to that song. ;)
8 comment(s):
now im intrigued
I'll pray for you too! : )
Anonymous, at
11/03/2005 1:53 AM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Laura, at
11/03/2005 10:36 AM
Ooops, almost forgot! Your blog is cool too, it-chick. And muchas gracias for the prayers!
Laura, at
11/03/2005 10:36 AM
See, I was trying to be nice and allow anonymous comments, and people weren't playing by the rules so now I've got to go and delete them again. To be fair, I deleted the comment that the poster apparently had issues with. See, I'm a nice person.
And let's remember just because you try to hide by the veil of anonymity here, no one's really anonymous. And speaking of mesmerized, I'm amazed you made it through with only two spelling and grammar errors.
Laura, at
11/03/2005 4:06 PM
I am listening to this song now Laura and I have to say I just love it. The man is absolutely amazing.
Anonymous, at
11/03/2005 4:26 PM
Speaking of fair and honesty you need to look those words up and while you are at it look up friendship.You know who I am you used me and all of us enough.You talk like you are the best, but we know better. You want to down us,you make remake on websites that hurt us, so I came to yours.We thought we were friends,we were wrong. It was all lies.It was all for your gain, and alot of hurt was done. Good people were hurt.You say you want to be nice well that comment does not sound nice. You are in the news (or you say) what happen to freedom of speech.I do not remember a delete there. Even if it is spelled wrong and the grammer is wrong,that comment just shows your true colors.Peoples personal belief in religion should not be brought up like that.So leave Kenny and his beliefs alone and how he puts them in his life. I know you will delete this so your new will not question you.
Anonymous, at
11/03/2005 6:54 PM
I should delete it because I'm inclined to think no one's real name is "a used friend," but you know what? I'm pretty sure that it applies here and that just about any of us could use it as our name if we weren't brave enough to use our own. You see, everywhere I go I use my own name because I stand by everything I've said 100%. And I'd love for you to show me one place where I've EVER said anything about you personally on a Web site because you can't. I've never said anything about any of you even though I've been gossipped about, defamed and raked across the coals. And I'm not going to. You know why? Because I've moved on and you all might want to look into it. And I'm done with this topic, so learn to knit or go to the library, but leave me alone.
Apparently you missed my big, giant post about this whole topic. Yes, I believe in freedom of speech, but my blog DOES NOT accept anonymous comments. It's a policy and has been since day one.
I will apologize for the spelling and grammar comment. It was not very nice of me. And for some odd reason I still feel like being nice is the Christian thing to do.
And trust me, my friends would be more upset with me if I deleted this without sharing than if I left it.
Laura, at
11/03/2005 8:52 PM
I received this in my e-mail and I promised the author that I'd share it since I'm the only person who can post comments right now. This email really wasn't necessary because I really did know who wrote it all along -- no confusion here. I'm debating what to do with the reply, because I'm all about balance, but frankly I'd just rather close this chapter on my life, which was pretty much what my note to her said...
You have a name now, and all your friends can quit guessing and blaming the wrong person. I have my own feeling and do not need someone else to tell me how and when to voice them. I am the one that you hurt along with others and I am sorry that it is taking me longer to get over the hurt then you. I guess I thought we were really friends and being you get over things like this so easy tells me a lot about you. I have held a lot of hurt and angre in until now, it and you are not worth it anymore.I am moving on as you said, while I am in the ISLANDS in dec I will take up knitting on the beach with my friends. I do owe a big thank you cause without you I would not of meant some of the most wonderful group of loyal, truthful, and kindhearted friends who have enriched my life beyond words. I am sorry I got into this word game with you it is pointless and a waste of time and just gets people I care about hurt. So, no more it is not worth it, and a battle with you is not worth it. You can go on with your word game on other sites, I know what you are, and see in your words what you mean, and who you are. I intend to clear this up and people will know it was me writing you and not someone else. I am emailing this to you because you closed your comments, so you know who it is. It is up to you to publish the truth. Are you scared to hear the truth, or for your new friends to hear the truth.
Now you have the name you wanted…
Laura, at
11/04/2005 2:54 PM
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