Coffee (lots o' coffee), kids, Kenny and other fun stuff
So, I left you this morning to meet up with CoffeeBigPlz and Junior for breakfast. Who knew breakfast could take 5 hours? Oh well, it was fun, although Junior is a very impatient little superhero. Guess he didn't know we could stop time too, eh?We met at Waffle House. I really need to get off the Waffle House. They only thing I like there is some version of steak and eggs (today was an omelette), and while it was tasty (but greasy, of course!) I knew that it was a bad idea. Urggh. Every freaking time. At least this time, I was smart enough to eat Rolaids right after breakfast, so I didn't get violently ill. My polar fleece smells like greasy hashbrowns. And our waitress? Well, I out-coffee'd CoffeeBigPlz simply because our waitress had serious issues with waiting on us. So, moral of that story? Next time I want to go to Waffle House, tell me no. It only sounds tasty until about 6 hours after I've been there.
Anyhow, CoffeeBigPlz and Junior were just how I imagined them. I recognized them by his gameboy. I kid you not. And they hadn't been there 15 seconds before he told me about his desires to be a computer programmer. He's an excited little chap, but I did like him. I was glad that I didn't have to take him home for me at the end of the day. I like kids, and I like the idea of having kids, but I hope that maybe I'll have some calmer kids if that day ever comes. But what a smart little guy he is, probably too smart for his own good.
So, here I am meeting this woman I only know from here and emails. It was a little odd, but I felt like we were old pals. We are very similar, even though she's a little older than I am. I told her that we can't be twins because I can't build my own iPod (luckily, I've commissioned her for this task!), so really she is my geeky alter-ego. Who likes Star Wars. I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 8. Surely that has to count for something.
Junior and I chit-chatted about Harry Potter (his mom also says it like an English person!) and we played the silverware letter game. He's very tricky! Those lowercase letters got me EVERY time!
We ended up on an adventure because we somehow got on the topic of food (I think it was creative suggestions for spinach) and we both realized we NEEDED to go to Trader Joe's!!! It was one of those days I wish I had a job because I really could've spent A LOT more money there. Of course, if I had a job then I wouldn't have been able to have breakfast with someone I met on the Internet in Indiana on Thursday. Or at least I don't think so... But I did buy a few of my favorite things. They didn't seem to have my fat-free brownies. Urggh. I did get garlic hummus and pita. I didn't understand CoffeeBigPlz's disdain at my hummus purchase, until she explained that she thought it was something totally different, sounded more like haggis to me! I could've come home with a case of wine and about 600 cans and bottles of beer, but that might've been bad. I don't have anyone here who appreciates a good Australian red, so I either have to get crocked off my ass on wine or waste about 3/4 of a bottle. So, in the best intersest of my budget the hardest thing I got was organic cranberry lemonade. I also got some chocolate, but it wasn't my normal kind and it didn't really blow my skirt up. Oh well, it was ok, but not worth wasting calories, and we all know how I feel about that.
On our way to Indy, we passed the Verizon Music Center where a certain hot, balding cowboy will be making an appearance in September. I've promised my friends that stop regardless of what happens with The Yellow-haired Boy, and you'll remember a while back Sheri and One4JC mentioned joining me. And, of course, the three of us decided to drag CoffeeBigPlz along. She's not a country fan, but we figured she'd make the sacrifice to hang with us. Sheri's bringing the whiskey, so she's in. I just hope that we don't frighten One4JC because some of my girls are a tad bit crazy and I think everyone will be in the house that day. We just won't make her pee in the woods with Julie. Well, I finally talked our last hold-out into joining us that day. I figured she'd at least eat my magic Jello. And besides, this gal loves ALL music. Don't let her fool you with her anti-hillbilly stance. She is a musician, and everyone knows that all musicians appreciate all genres. And, of course, folks like JT, Buffett and Cash who supercede genre and just are. It makes them better musicians, and she's quite talented. I got to hear some of her stuff. And it's always fun watching people get all excited when talking about a Fender! I explained to her that she is a rock chick, and all rock chicks can appreciate Kenny's show. After all, Wannebo did production on Van Halen before he joined up with KC. This ain't your grandpa's country music: Big stages, lots of huge screens, swings, lights, and rock intros. Seriously, Clayton should be in a rock band and he plays the hell out of that Les Paul.
But turns out that someone was hiding a deep, dark secret about her musical tastes. As I am leaving Ricker's after our bathroom break, she announces she has four -- count 'em, four -- country songs on her iPod. She says that one of them is even in her favorites play list. Her play list that she listens to all the time. Is it Cash? Lorrie Morgan? Reba? Wynonna? All those folks made the iPod. (Well, Wynonna is missing...) All excellent choices by the way.
However her favorite country song? Her top country song? The one she listens to almost every day?
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy.
I thought she was goofing. I honestly thought she put Kenny on her iPod to impress me. She had no idea it was Kenny. Honest, she didn't. I was impressed. So, then I closed the deal on the Indy show. I said, "Well, then you simply have to see him sing it live." They're in. I'll have to see if the pre-sale gods will hook them up for Indy. Fingers crossed, but I think I've used all my luck. I'd like to sit on the lawn with my cooler and drink all day, but others have grander plans for me. It's just fun to make a fruity rum drink and catch up with my friends, new and old.
I hear a rumor that she's going to buy Kenny's other CDs and do her homework. I also hear that she's hoping he'll redeem country music for her. That's a tall order, but Kenny's brought a lot of folks to the party. I have to remember to email her the list of CDs she needs to get. I'm afraid that the early days will frighten her and it's not like she needs to know those songs for the show.
We also ended up talking about Kenny and Renee, which is always an interesting time. I'm just gonna bite my lip on that topic for right now.
I had a long ride home, but I finally made it. It sucked to leave Indiana behind after all the fun. We talked about things like NLT, and I just hate that I don't get to do fun things like that, although I don't think there's anyway I can drink JQP under the table.
Regardless, all the fun kept my mind off the reality of the craziness that is my life that set in somewhere around Dayton. At least Rosalie laughed. I am patiently waiting for Jen B to call me, but my mom is on the phone with my brother, the chatty Cathy who works midnights and will be good to go until about 2 a.m. Let's hope that she either falls asleep or answers any beeps she might get!
Speaking of my brother, did I mention I have to be in his wedding? He's invited the Hermanos Benitez to be his groomsmen, so Estella is asking me to be a bridesmaid. Oh great joy. This folks, is why I am getting married in Vegas. I'm not a big fan of pomp and circumstance. (Isn't it cute how I say that like I'm actually getting married someday. Cute.)
Lastly, I got home to see Karen left me a comment on the blog. I am so glad she did. I think we are going to get along very well, and I'm looking forward to meeting her. She seems like a great person, and I hope that it works out. Not just because I am ready to move. I just have a good feeling.
That's it for now. I'll keep you posted on all the fun stuff in my life. I hope Jen's persistent and no one gets pissy with her. I owe her. I'm gonna have to come up with a good thank you.
5 comment(s):
Did he lose his video games? I didn't think he was THAT bad. And don't take it personally, I like to give everyone's kids back at the end of the day.
Let's do it again. I heard your favorite country song today and we sooo have to do it in September!
By Laura, at 4/07/2006 8:15 AM
And I missed it all....sigh. If only I would have known...wipes a tear from her eye.
By one4JC, at 4/07/2006 1:43 PM
Oh, I wish you could've come too, but it was totally last-minute. If nothing else, unemployment is good for spontaneity.
We will do it again soon. It was way too much fun!!!!!
By Laura, at 4/07/2006 4:57 PM
Oh - by the by - I forgot to say the most important word:
Go get him, LJ!!!
By TanteToma, at 4/10/2006 2:08 AM
Oh - by the by - I forgot to say the most important word:
Go get him, LJ!!!
By TanteToma, at 4/10/2006 2:08 AM
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