Who knew getting old could be so fun?
My allergies are killing me, so it's just about bedtime. Just a few things before bed.On Saturday I had to take my dad to my cousin's wedding, which was another redneck shindig to make our family proud. I don't understand why everyone thinks that I'm funny when I tell them that if I ever get married, I am eloping and when I get back everyone can bring an ice-cold 6 pack and a covered dish to a little partay. Maybe they are just laughing at the thought of me getting married. One thing is for sure: When I get married, I am not going to take a can of Miller Lite with me onto the dance floor for my first dance. I can't wait to see those pictures.
My birthday was good, but I overate in ways I never believed were possible. We went to breakfast Sunday morning. Rusty and Heidi were there with the baby. Yay! He's so cute.
Later that day I went to a graduation party, and of course I got loaded down with a plate of food.
Then I arrive at my last RCIA class for church, which wasn't a class at all. Father made dinner for all of us. I tried to just take a little bite of each thing since I wasn't hungry AT ALL, but Father thought I didn't like it. So, I ate more to show him I was enjoying it. OMG, I didn't think I could ever eat again.
On the plus side, tiramisu for dessert? On my birthday? Wooohoooo!!!!
I love my new tanning place so much, I want to marry it. Honestly, I am back to tanning and I feel great and I'm not burned all over. And I won't be pasty white on Saturday.
Oh yes, Saturday. Everything is coming along well. All the plans are finalized. I'm just waiting to hear if Alexis can come or not, but I have a couple of other folks who are interested if she can't make it. Kayla says it doesn't matter who it is, as long as they are a good wingman! That's funny!
1 comment(s):
Sorry about the allergies (been fighting with them around here too). Sounds like everything else is going well for ya tough!
Salar37_Shushan, at
5/24/2006 12:27 PM
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